This Agreement is made on 31st Day of May, 2023,




“M/s/Mr/Ms/Mrs ___________________________R/o _______________ __________________(herein after call “Owner”) Having PAN:____________________________. …..Party of the one part




M/s __________________________________R/o _____________________________________(herein after called “Broker”) Having PAN:____________________________. …… of the second part. WHEREAS the “Owner” of the property wants to sell the property described in Schedule hereto and for the said purpose the services of the “Broker” are required. AND WHEREAS the said broker has shown his willingness to accept the offer for listing the property at his webpage for the sale of the said property described in the Schedule hereto. AND WHEREAS the owner has accepted to pay to the broker the present rate of commission of 5% (Five Percent) of the sale price. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES That :- 1. The firm hereby gives the broker for a period of three months thereof the right to sell the property described in the Schedule hereto at the price and on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained in this agreement. 2. The Owner hereby agrees to pay Rs._______________/- to Broker at the singing of this agreement on account of the web listing fees, which is non-refundable in any case. 3. The owner hereby agrees to give broker a period of Three months to sell the property described in the Schedule hereto at the price and on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained in this agreement, and after such period it may be renewed further as per mutual consent of the both parties.
4. The Owner hereby undertake that, If property is sold, traded or in any other way disposed by Broker or by anyone else with in the time specified in this listing, it is agreed to and understood that Broker shall receive from the sale or trade of said property as Broker's commission of 5% of the purchase price.
5. The owner undertakes that, the broker shall issue an invoice to the owner and payment shall be due within 30 days from the date of invoice. 6. The broker is hereby authorized to sell the property on the minimum price of Rs.____________/- and out of this consideration the Buyer shall pay Rs._______________/-in advance to broker as earnest money and the balance shall be paid within a month hereof before the Registrar at the time of registration of the sale-deed.
7. The Owner hereby represents and warrants that the details of the property as described in the Schedule hereto are true and correct and the said property is free from all encumbrances.
8. The Owner hereby undertakes to deliver to the purchaser, within a reasonable time, as abstract of title showing that He/She is the owner of the property and the said property is free from all encumbrances.
9. The Owner hereby agrees that the sale-deed to be executed by the him shall be a full covenant warranty deed free from all encumbrances.
10. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in full force and effect as described by this Agreement.




M/s--------------------------------                                                                                                                    M/s--------------------------------

Owner                                                                                                                                                      Broker

